ANC caught with pants down in Human Settlements Department
by Cllr. Sinethemba Matiwane — DA Ward Councillor & Member of Human Settlements Oversight Committee in Ekurhuleni
Date: 10 August 2021
Release: Immediate
Type: Media statement
Following years of poor planning, bad governance, and maladministration under the incumbent administration, the ANC coalition* led City of Ekurhuleni (CoE) has demonstrated poor performance in all its departments, and the Human Settlements Department is no exception.
In a recent Council Meeting, the ANC-led CoE presented the Human Settlements Oversight Committee Report on the Second Quarter Audit Committee Report for the 2020/21 Financial Year. The Democratic Alliance (DA) in Ekurhuleni noted, with great concern, that the Department of Human Settlements deleted the establishment of Informal Settlement Committees from its Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
It is evident that non-performance is the real reason behind the withdrawal of establishing these committees, and not the list of excuses cited by the Department of Human Settlements.
The Human Settlements Department asserted that it was unsuccessful in establishing Informal Settlement Committees mainly due to the unavailability of Ward Councillors to convene meetings. The department further insisted that Ward Councillors observe the Informal Settlements Committees to duplicate the functions of Ward Committees.
Nothing could be farther from the truth as Informal Settlement Committees only became obsolete during the current political term, under the leadership of the ANC-appointed Executive Mayor, Cllr. Mzwandile Masina, and the MMC of Human Settlements, Cllr. Lesiba Mpya. In the previous term, these committees were taken seriously as regular meetings were held.
The ANC and its coalition partners* hide behind the narrative of a ‘pro-poor government’, yet they disregard the very poor people they are meant to serve. Informal Settlement Committees play a pivotal role in the informal settlements, particularly to prevent the unlawful occupation of land, to stop illegal shack expansion and to solve community challenges, such as crime. Furthermore, these committees serve as intermediaries for Ward Councillors and assist with the coordination of projects such as reblocking. Yet, the failing CoE refuses to acknowledge the importance of these committees.
The Human Settlements Department was quick to state that Informal Settlements Committees clash with Ward Committees as they act as a parallel structure. However, it is ANC factional battles that lead to the establishment of parallel structures, which create tension and hostility in communities.
The elephant in the room is that the ANC and its coalition partners have failed to eradicate informal settlements in the CoE. Under the ANC-led coalition government, there has been an increase in the number of informal settlements and fewer houses being built in Ekurhuleni.
The CoE is now sweeping its failures under the rug by withdrawing the establishment of Informal Settlement Committees as a KPI.
The DA in Ekurhuleni will not allow the bar to be lowered in this manner, while the most vulnerable communities in Ekurhuleni bear the brunt of the ANC and its coalition partners incompetence.
The ANC-led coalition has lost touch with the people on the ground, and as a service-oriented opposition government, we will continue to hold them accountable
*ANC Coalition Partners: African Independent Congress (AIC), Pan Africanist Congress (PAC), Patriotic Alliance (PA) and Independent Ratepayers Association of South Africa (IRASA)
Media Enquiries
Cllr. Sinethemba Matiwane
DA Ward Councillor & Member of Human Settlements Oversight Committee in Ekurhuleni
082 390 4839