Back-up Generators for Benoni Water Towers Finally in Sight
by Cllr. Lornette Joseph — DA Ward 27 Councillor in Ekurhuleni
Date: 30 May 2023
Release: Immediate
Type: Media Statement
The Democratic Alliance (DA) in Ward 27, Ekurhuleni, is excited to announce that after almost 3 years of constant fighting, residents will finally kiss water woes goodbye. In the 25 May 2023, Ordinary Council Meeting, I (as Ward Councillor) posed Oral Questions to the MMC for Water, Sanitation and Energy, Cllr. Leshaka Manamela, concerning the need for generators following months of water outages caused by loadshedding (See attached Oral Responses).
Residents can now breathe a sigh of relief as the MMC has confirmed that they will be receiving the much-needed back-up generators at both the Old Benoni Water Tower and the new Northmead Water Tower.
Residents may recall that I had submitted 2 petitions on their behalf, one to the National Government, and the latest to Rand Water to apply pressure to bring an end to water outages in our ward. The petitions were signed by over 4000 concerned residents of Benoni and garnered significant media attention.
On 16 May 2023, the petition was presented by MP Haseena Ismail to the Portfolio Committee for COGTA in Parliament (See attached responses). In a written response from the Office of the City Manager to National Government, the City confirmed that the Generator would be installed by 30 June 2023. However, the new EFF MMC for Water, Sanitation and Energy did not have any knowledge about the commitment made by the City to the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee when he was asked to clarify delivery deadlines in Council. This clearly shows the lack of knowledge and experience on the part of the MMC where his portfolio is concerned.
The City has also acknowledged the impact that loadshedding has on water outages in the area as well as the damage it poses on ageing water infrastructure. Not only does loadshedding affect substations and the stability of the electricity grid, but every time the power is restored, the pressure from water pumpstations destroys fragile water pipes, because the infrastructure is not built to have on and off water pressure.
With regards to the New Water Tower, Phase 1 of the tower is 95% complete, with Phase 2 remaining, which will be the connection of the water tower to Rand Water’s supply infrastructure and to build the new pump station. A feasibility study will also be conducted to ensure that the new pump station receives a generator as it has been included as part of the project design.
Video Link — Northmead Water Tower Finally Making Progress
According to the responses from the MMC, the generator for the old water tower will be installed as soon as delivery of the generator has been received. This was estimated to take place by the end of June 2023, with installation being completed by the end of July 2023. It however, seems likely that the installation of the generator may be realised sooner as the foundation for the generator is already being laid at the old water tower pumpstation.
Video Link — Foundation being laid for Installation of Back-up Generator at Old Benoni Water Tower
According to the MMC, the cost of the generator is R800 000 excluding VAT and the installation will cost approximately R400 000 excl VAT.
As the councillor for the ward, I am proud to see our collective efforts as a community is finally paying off. It shows that through strong will, a combined and relentless effort, and a unified voice, we can turn around the face of our community and effect real changes that will be felt for generations to come.
I would like to thank all of our residents who showed support throughout this process by rallying behind me as your Councillor and signing and sharing our petition. Without your support this would not have been possible.
Media Enquiries
Cllr. Lornette Joseph
DA Ward 27 Councillor in Ekurhuleni
083 847 4510