Brakpan only has one operational fire engine

Democratic Alliance Ekurhuleni
2 min readNov 27, 2023


by Cllr. Brandon Pretorius — DA Ward Councillor in Ekurhuleni

Date: 25 November 2023

Release: Immediate

Type: Media statement

Brakpan fire services is on its knees as 80% of all fire engines broken and gathering dust while residents are left helpless as there are simply not enough emergency vehicles available to respond to life threatening emergencies, this was revealed in a reply to a Democratic Alliance question.

Of the 5 fire engines allocated to the Brakpan fire stations, only one is working.

Under the leadership of the EFF/ANC, the City of Ekurhuleni’s fire services has fallen into a state of disrepair with 80% of all fire engines broken down, non-operational or simply collecting dust. While four million residents are left helpless in the event of a fire, nothing is being done by the Doomsday Coalition to ensure their safety.

In replies received by the Democratic Alliance in Council, it was revealed that of the 184 fire engines owned by CoE, shockingly only 37 are operational, rendering the emergency service paralysed. A critical service that is supposed to assist residents in their hour of need — is itself in critical condition and in need of saving.

If one looks at South African National Standards, Community protection against fire (SANS 10090), which stipulates the minimum standards for the rendering of a fire service, it is clear the CoE is failing in every category. The DA will be writing to the Minister of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Hon Thembisile Nkadimeng requesting for her department to conduct a forensic audit of the entire fire services across the City.

Of the 30 fire stations, 11 have absolutely no operational fire engines at all, and a further 10 fire stations only have one working fire engine. The situation is beyond critical — it is now severe — as people’s lives and property are in danger.

The DA will continue to hold the uncaring and failing so-called ‘Peoples Government’ to account. The People of Ekurhuleni deserve more.

Cllr. Brandon Pretorius

DA Ward Councillor in Ekurhuleni

063 374 2614



Democratic Alliance Ekurhuleni

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