DA calls for protection of Blesbokspruit on International Wetland Day
by Cllr. Jill Humphreys — DA Member of the Environmental Resource and Waste Management in Ekurhuleni
Date: 02 February 2021
Release: Immediate
Type: Media statement
The Democratic Alliance (DA) in Ekurhuleni calls on residents and City of Ekurhuleni (CoE) officials to observe International Wetland Day on Tuesday the 2nd of February, at a time where the conservation and protection of our biodiversity is critical.
Wetlands are nature’s buffer against the debris and filth created by our bourgeoning populations. They filter, like the kidneys of the earth, all those harmful pollutants and are important mitigators against flooding, which is critical in these times of uncertain and severe storms.
The Blesbokspruit in Ekurhuleni is considered a wetland of international importance by the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands and is globally recognised as one of the most biologically diverse ecosystems; thereby warranting our protection.
Sadly, the area is being severely and negatively impacted by the encroachment of informal settlements, illegal dumping, sewage spills, acid mine drainage, water hyacinth, as well as the failure of departments within the Metro to carry out their mandate. As a result, the biodiversity of the wetland is under severe threat.
Local communities, many of whom have expend enormous personal resources trying to keep the contaminants and invaders at bay, revere the site. The part played by the CoE is central to the survival of this wonder of nature. The Department of Environmental and Waste Management Services has an enormous duty of oversight, through not only monitoring and managing its own processes, but also coordinating a cross — departmental task team that should ensure accountability on those Departments that transgress environmental by-laws and contribute to the degradation of the City’s wetlands.
This magnificent natural heritage site is being threatened by the total lack of interest, not only by the ANC Coalition-led CoE, but also the Provincial and National bodies that have the duty of protection.
The DA in Ekurhuleni calls on the relevant authorities, which include the MMC of Environmental Resource and Waste Services, Ald Khosi Mabaso, The Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, and the National Minister of Environmental Affairs, Barbara Creecy, to pay particular attention to this critical resource and protect our Blesbokspruit; even though it’s a little too late!
Cllr. Jill Humphreys
DA Member of the Environmental Resource and Waste Management in Ekurhuleni