DA Caucus Leader Response to Executive Mayor Council Speech

Democratic Alliance Ekurhuleni
3 min readAug 29, 2024


by Cllr. Brandon Pretorius
DA City of Ekurhuleni Caucus Leader

29 August 2024

Thank you, Madam Speaker — all protocol observed.

Madam speaker I humbled by the opportunity afforded me to engage on the Executive Mayors address.

I am encouraged by the tenacity of each member of my Caucus.

As the leader of the Democratic Alliance in the City of Ekurhuleni, I am guided by my 64 colleagues upon which the principles of freedom, fairness and opportunity are held.

The importance in holding the city accountable on behalf of the four million residents who live, work, and play within the geographical boundary of Ekurhuleni is of utmost importance to us and it remains our number one priority.

Madam Speaker,

Listening to the Executive Mayor it is clear that the achievements listed of this government’s time in office to date paints but a vague picture of the true experience of the Cities residents and it does not speak to reality.

Executive Mayor, Ald. Xhakaza, with respect you and those alongside you — the Red Rouges, are selling the residents a red and green faced lie.

Merely driving to council this morning, I witnessed a very different Ekurhuleni to the one you just described.

Mev die voorsitter ons Burgemeester is onder n ilusie in sy staats rede het die burgermeester verwys na ses pilare — six key priorities that his executive would use as the guiding principles upon which they would govern.

While one must always have a plan, a plan is nothing but words on paper if the plan is not implemented.

Ons moet implimenteer.

This Executive, minus one red fighter and R2 billion, is as populist as its serious about in-sourcing.

A game of musical chairs Executive Mayor does not equate to good governance — only stability in this metro will.

Good governance is supposedly one of the six pillars upon which we were told you intended to govern.

If you were serious about these steps, you would have addressed many of the scandals that transpired under the leadership of Ald. Ngodwana.

It took the DA to approach the Public Protector to investigate the infamous R2 billion security tender before it was acknowledged.

They say a new broom sweeps clean Mr Mayor but it seems to us that some among you only sweep things under the rug.

In 2024 we need 2024 solutions to address the challenges that plague the city.

Another one of these six pillars speaks to the economy and job creation.

Yet, when I hear the re-emergence of the Aerotropolis project — I sigh with despair.

After millions of Rands spent on this white elephant, all we have to show is a negative bank balance and no return on investment.

Rekindling old ideas will never advance the needs of our residents, nor address the economic complexities of our times.

2024 requires 2024 ideas and solutions.

Madam Speaker,

While I am excited that the MMC for Finance, Ald. Dlabathi is applying DA economic policy — encouraging private sector participation using Public-Private Partnerships (PPP), I worry that the other half of the equation is missing — and that is creating an environment conducive to growth.

It is not the City’s role to create jobs.

If the City’s track record of paying its suppliers on time is anything to go by, I would very much doubt that the economic stagnation will be arrested anytime soon.

How can the City even think about job creation, when they strangle and kill small businesses by not paying service providers on time!



Democratic Alliance Ekurhuleni

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