DA Councillors mentor youth to strengthen democracy
By Cllr. Precious Jacobs & Cllr. Sihle Molebatsi — DA City of Ekurhuleni PR Councillors
Date: 03 October 2024
The Democratic Alliance in Kwa-Thema and Katlehong has always been committed to promoting young people’s active participation in civic society to secure social cohesion and anchoring democratic principles in society.
PR Councillors, Cllr. Sihle Molebatsi and Cllr. Precious Jacobs have embarked on an initiative over the last couple of months linking young people from previously disadvantaged households to Mentors involved in the political and legislative space.
Affording these young people an opportunity to learn from mentors like Members of Parliament, Councillors as well as administrative staff, has broadened their horizons as they navigate through life.
Linked to this mentorship programme is a mental health initiative providing resources they need to capacitate themselves and take care of their mental wellness.
There is a wide gap between political institutions, legislatures, and young people’s understanding of democratic participation.
It has become evident that institutions have difficulty adapting to how young people participate as well as the issues that young people mobilize around.
Young people face unprecedented levels of unemployment, job insecurity, and the difficult transition into work and adult life. They are increasingly disenchanted and feel marginalized from the democratic process.
The active participation of young people in democratic structures and representative institutions is key in guaranteeing the legitimacy, credibility, and operation of democratic systems.
This initiative will continue to cooperate with young people to give expression to their desires and views within democratic system.
Media enquiries:
Cllr. Precious Jacobs
DA City of Ekurhuleni PR Councillor
076 712 5405
Cllr. Sihle Molebatsi
DA City of Ekurhuleni PR Councillor
073 430 4989