Open Letter: The City of Ekurhuleni is on the brink of Collapse while the Executive Mayor Twiddles his Thumbs
by Cllr Thavha Maifala-Masebe — DA Ward 38 Councillor in Ekurhuleni
Date: 26 January 2024
Release: Immediate
Type: Media Statement
Note to Editors: The following statement is a speech that was delivered by DA Councillor in Ekurhuleni, Cllr. Thavha Maifala-Masebe, in response to the Executive Mayor’s Speech during the Ordinary Council Meeting, held on 25 January 2024.
Madam Speaker, as I am about to deliver this speech, I feel like I am living in the past. The events of 30 November 2023 in this chamber robbed us an opportunity to celebrate the legacy of one of Ekurhuleni’s own giants, Mme Helen Suzman, whose legacy included creating a safe space for women to occupy political spaces.
It is for this reason Madam Speaker, that my first response to the Executive Mayor would be: “shame on you Mr Mayor”. Shame on you for sitting in a corner and simply observing council disintegrate into chaos while items meant to serve the residents of Ekurhuleni were disregarded at the expense of cheap politicking.
Your actions, or should I rather say, in-action, allowed the legacy of Helen Suzman which included a relentless fight for ‘simple justice and human rights for all’ to be trampled upon. A legacy which we as the leaders of the City of Ekurhuleni should always seek to uphold.
Madam Speaker, this Council has a responsibility to uphold this legacy of Helen Suzman and the many others who have fought alongside her, by ensuring good governance that results in quality service delivery for all residents of the city. Unfortunately, it is very clear that the mindset of ‘four legs good, two legs bad’ exuded by the EFF robbed us of this.
In Ekurhuleni, we cannot say that we would be able to uphold these legacies simply because we don’t have an Executive Mayor, instead we have a ceremonial Mayor, a ‘Blom Pot’.
It is sad to say this, because at the start of last year, under the Multi-Party Coalition Government, the city was heading in the right direction towards ensuring justice and restoring human rights and dignity for all residents of the city.
Under the decisive leadership of Ald Tania Campbell the City of Ekurhuleni was becoming a beacon of hope for its residents. Unfortunately, in the absence of a Mayor, the only thing a ‘Blom Pot’ can do is sit pretty in the corner and watch as greedy politicians collapse the finances of the city within mere months of tasting power. As witnessed at the end of 2023, out of pure greed, they went as far as collapsing the work of council.
Despite having highlighted the financial strain that this city has been under for months, the Executive Mayor has been sitting on the side-lines quietly watching the collapse of the City, while the ANC and EFF play political football with the city’s finances.
While this is happening, residents continue to bear the brunt of extended darkness outside loadshedding time frames. You may think that these politicians are your friends, but at the end of the day, they will blame your leadership for the failure of this City and pretend as if they had no part in it.
Mr Mayor, while Mme Suzman left a legacy for all South Africans, just in this year alone you are proving to be leaving behind a leprosy for the residents of Ekurhuleni. A leprosy that leaves residents of KwaThema without electricity for more than 30 days, while allowing an out-of-depth EFF MMC to give residents of KwaThema hogwash promises.
Speaking of which, it seems like you have taken a page out of the book of Luthuli House on Redeploying Incompetent Cadres, instead of removing the incapable MMC from the mayoral you simply rewarded the MMC with another critical portfolio, Waste Management. Your leprosy has also led to residents of Tsakane taking to the streets, fighting for their basic right of access to water.
Madam Speaker, I trust that as we begin this new year, the City of Ekurhuleni will have a Mayor who will finally take his place as the first Citizen and uphold the legacy of Helen Suzman, and not a ‘Blom Pot’ that is only here to continue the leprosy of the ANC and EFF incompetence. This city deserves a Mayor, not a ‘Blom Pot’, I thank you.
Cllr Thavha Maifala-Masebe
Ward 38 Councillor in Ekurhuleni