Sewer continues to overflow into Nigel Dam

Democratic Alliance Ekurhuleni
2 min readOct 18, 2021


by Cllr. Wollaston Labuschagne — DA Ward Councillor in Ekurhuleni

Date: 15 October 2021

Release: Immediate

Type: Media statement

The Democratic Alliance (DA) in Ekurhuleni is shocked that the ANC-coalition* led City of Ekurhuleni (CoE) has done nothing to remedy the persistent sewer overflow into the Nigel Dam.

The Nigel Dam has been plagued by sewage pollution for over a year now, resulting in the degradation and contamination of the dam.

As the DA, we have reported the challenges of sewer spillages on numerous occasions, and despite countless efforts of reporting, the CoE has failed to address this issue. Despite our numerous attempts to contact the Water and Sanitation Department to rectify the sewage leaks and large-scale blockages, no action has been taken.

The Nigel Dam and its public facilities have been used by residents, fishermen and boat owners for many years. However, this might not be possible in the future if the ANC-appointed MMC for Water, Sanitation and Energy, Cllr. Tiisetso Nketle, does not urgently address the sewer network challenges.

In the absence of a timely and effective response from MMC Nketle, the Nigel Dam will be irreparably damaged, further ensuing the deterioration of ecology and biodiversity. Additionally, there will be a hyacinth infestation to deal with, like so many other dams in the ANC-run Ekurhuleni.

It is completely unacceptable that the ANC and its coalition partners cannot provide basic services to rate-paying residents in the City. Nigel residents should not be expected to live in such unsanitary conditions, as they pose enormous health and safety threats. These residents deserve a well-run government that delivers basic services and provides a healthy and safe environment.

A DA government will govern in the interests of the people by ensuring that there is clean water and a sanitary environment for every community, provide a hygienic environment to live and play and create and maintain public spaces for all to enjoy.


*ANC Coalition Partners: African Independent Congress (AIC), Pan Africanist Congress (PAC), Patriotic Alliance (PA) and Independent Ratepayers Association of South Africa (IRASA)

Cllr. Wollaston Labuschagne

DA Ward Councillor in Ekurhuleni



Democratic Alliance Ekurhuleni
Democratic Alliance Ekurhuleni

Written by Democratic Alliance Ekurhuleni

This is the Official Medium Page of the Democratic Alliance in the City of Ekurhuleni

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