The DA in Ekurhuleni welcomes the awarding of contracts to local-based companies
by Cllr. Sally Nene — DA Member of the Finance Oversight Committee in Ekurhuleni
Date: 17 May 2022
Release: Immediate
Type: Media statement
The Democratic Alliance in Ekurhuleni welcomes the commitment by the Multi-Party Coalition to increase the awarding of contracts to companies based within the Metro.
During an Ordinary Council sitting on the 28th of April 2022, the City’s Third Quarter Financial Report was presented to Council, which highlighted the City’s preferential procurement processes and spend.
As part of the Preferential Procurement spent, the actual awards for the third quarter to CoE based companies was R 1 005 274 worth of quotations (94,67%) and the remaining 5,33% was awarded to non-CoE based companies. A welcome change from the previous ANC-led administration which consistently procured from service providers outside of Ekurhuleni’s borders.
Awarding was also allocated as follows:
· R 1 061 825 was awarded to companies that are 100% owned by Historically
Disadvantaged Individuals. This is inclusive of women
· R 643 075,00 to companies that Black Women have either control over or significant influence. Black Women own 30% and more of these companies.
· R 643 075,00 for Women in total, including White Women.
· R 810 075,00 was awarded to companies owned by Youth, also both young men and women
We, as the DA are pleased by the Multi-Party Coalition’s commitment to building a more financially stable and sustainable City that uplifts its residents, through the creation of employment opportunities and support of local SMMEs by making procurement processes more transparent and accessible to previously disadvantaged individuals, women and the Youth of Ekurhuleni.
Cllr. Sally Nene
DA Member of the Finance Oversight Committee in Ekurhuleni