The DA in Ekurhuleni welcomes the tabling of a “back to basics for service delivery and inclusive growth budget.”
by — Cllr. Alta de Beer — DA Spokesperson for MPAC
Date: 25 May 2022
Release: Immediate
Type: Media statement
Today, 25 May 2022, the City of Ekurhuleni’s MMC for Finance and Economic Development, Cllr, Fana Nkosi delivered the first Budget and Medium-Term Revenue and Expenditure Framework (MTREF) of the Multi-Party Coalition government for the 2022/23 financial year.
The central principals for the budget this year are centered around a “Back to basics for service delivery and inclusive growth budget” theme, which stems from the Executive Mayor, Alderman Tania Campbell’s, State of the City Address, delivered earlier this year.
The tabling and passing of a budget that is all-inclusive, focuses on the interests of ratepayers, whilst aiming to attract investor interest to the City and balance every Rand to the service delivery needs of our residents is no doubt a tough exercise and a true reflection on the difficulty of presenting a budget that will be to the liking of all stakeholders. This is why the budget that was passed today is centered around the nine priorities of the Multi-Party Coalition government.
Some of the key highlights of the budget include:
· Service delivery, revenue generation and protection being placed as the top key priorities.
· An allocation of 17% of the Capital budget to improve and replace the current electricity grid infrastructure and distribution network, with funding also allocated to green-energy supply.
· An allocation of R370m the Roads and Storm Water Department, for repairs and maintenance including the patching of potholes, with an additional R283m allocated for asset renewal.
· An allocation of R782m in capital expenditure to the Water and Sanitation Department and the Ekurhuleni Water Company.
· 70,000 work opportunities generated in the regional economy though the implementation of EPWP, PEP, Private Sector Jobs Initiatives
· An allocation of R4,5bn to providing relief to the registered and deemed indigent households.
· Providing support to cash-strapped ratepayers in the form of a debt rehabilitation incentive.
· An allocation of R34m to City Planning Department to tackle sinkholes.
Further we would like to take this opportunity to applaud the Multi-Party coalition on the City of Ekurhuleni being one of only three municipalities in the province with no overdue accounts for bulk services from Eskom and Rand Water; and the only municipality that is considered stable, meaning it is not considered at risk of being dysfunctional, in financial distress, or requiring close monitoring and support.
This was particularly attributed to an anticipation of improved operating performance under the Multiparty Coalition Government, which also resulted in credit ratings agency GCR upgrading the City’s credit rating from junk to stable in April this year.
Lastly, the DA would like to congratulate the Multi-Party Coalition government and the Executive for passing a budget that is focused on all the people of Ekurhuleni, with a clear precedence on making the City financially stable through stronger income growth, tight expenditure management, improved debtor collections and realising modest cash surpluses.
Cllr. Alta de Beer
DA Spokesperson for MPAC
082 777 1406