Thieves Stripping Ekurhuleni of Infrastructure
by Cllr Simon Lapping — DA Shadow MMC for Water, Sanitation and Energy in Ekurhuleni
Date: 21 July 2021
Release: Immediate
Type: Media Statement
The Democratic Alliance (DA) in Ekurhuleni has condemned thieves and pilferers who continue to strip the City of Ekurhuleni (CoE) of its critical infrastructure.
The current status of the COVID-19 pandemic has caused severe difficulties for our communities resulting in increased levels of unemployment and poverty. Sadly, persons are resorting to stripping and looting infrastructure across the City. Street light poles and road barriers are being stolen at an alarming rate and unfortunately, the South African Police Department (SAPS) and the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Police Department (EMPD) seemingly have no answer to stop this theft.
Stolen street light poles are often cut up and taken to scrap metal dealers, who purchase the metal for a measly price. This is a new practice, in addition to the already rampant cable theft. Worryingly, the sabotage to the City’s infrastructure comes an exorbitant cost to repair and replace the stolen assets.
Under the ANC and coalition led City, it is blatantly clear that the current administration does not have the capabilities to stop the infrastructural sabotage.
Compounding the problem is that many unregulated scrap dealers abound the ANC and coalition-led Metro. These scrap dealers purchase any metal from opportunistic thieves without due diligence. This is in direct contravention of the Second-hand Goods Act, which compels scrap metal dealers to report any suspicious or stolen goods to SAPS. The act states that scrap dealers must ensure that they take precautions themselves, in order not to engage in criminal activity, and should try to establish if the goods they are purchasing are stolen or not. The inefficiency in by-law enforcement by the EMPD further adds to this serious issue, as opportunistic scrap metal buyers continue to purchase stolen goods, knowing that there is a lack of by-law enforcement.
Under a DA administration, we would ensure that specialised units are reintroduced and that those members assigned to the unit are properly trained and equipped to deal with this scourge. The current failing ANC’s inability to stop the pilfering places added burdens on the already struggling City and has a drastic effect on service delivery. This needs to be stopped!
*ANC-Coalition Partners: African Independent Congress (AIC), Pan Africanist Congress (PAC), Patriotic Alliance (PA) and Independent Ratepayers Association of South Africa (IRASA)
Cllr Simon Lapping
DA Shadow MMC for Water, Sanitation and Energy in Ekurhuleni