Vote for DA Candidate, Jean Ingram, for Ward 39
Ward Candidate Profile
Name: Jean Ingram
Ward: Ward 39, Ekurhuleni

My name is Jean Ingram, and I am the Democratic Alliance Ward 39 Candidate in the City of Ekurhuleni (CoE).
I am standing as a Ward Councillor because I have been actively involved in community projects for the past 19-years. My community is my passion and is what drives me. As a resident, I experience the same frustration as others and realise the need for a back to basics approach to service delivery.
The main issues I will be driving in Ward 39 are the maintenance and upgrades to ageing and inadequate water and electricity infrastructure, and to clean up the parks and ensure that they are maintained so each resident can enjoy the beauty that is all around us.
My vision is for residents to live in a community that is safe, and where each feel that they play an important role within a community and live fulfilling lives.
I currently serve on a ward committee holding the public safety portfolio, as well as run various social relief projects which I plan to continue and expand. I am readily available for community members and am active on most WhatsApp groups in the ward.
I am tenacious and a go-getter. If I want something done, I do not let it go until it is achieved. This will greatly assist in ensuring timeous and adequate service delivery.
Media Enquiries
Jean Ingram
065 808 8151